A Journey - Day 3
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.”
One of the biggest mistakes we make as believers is boxing God in. We limit Him according to our understanding. Yesterday, I spoke about how oftentimes, because of this limited comprehension, we can’t see the purpose in our illnesses or circumstances. It is because of the same reason that we navigate this journey not fully experiencing all that God has to offer.
I want to emphasize that I am not merely talking about God’s physical healing power here. To me, it is a simpler matter to consider that God is able to heal; I pray that you believe He is. It is a far more complicated matter to both recognize and reconcile how God’s grace and mercy impact our daily lives when living with chronic illnesses.
One of the ways that God has proven Himself to be able to do more than I could possibly think or ask is by gracing me with peace and joy on my journey. There was a time when I was not happy. There were happy moments, but they never lasted. I prayed that God would lift my depression by healing me of my illness. But He went above and beyond - He gave me true joy that could not be impacted by physical ailments. He ingrained in me peace that would not waver with the ups and downs of illness.
If you would’ve asked me at the beginning of my journey if I would ever enjoy life, I would have said absolutely not. In my limitation of God, I believed that He would have to either rid me of my symptoms or I would be destined for a miserable life; there was no in-between. BUT GOD had a marvelous plan to reveal the power that was at work within me! By the Holy Spirit, I possess a contentment that frees me from the chains of illness. I may have pain, but I still have joy. I may have to go to the doctor every month for an infusion, but my peace remains intact.
It is so easy when we are sick to believe that because He hasn’t healed us, He won’t, or even isn’t able to, do the other things we desire. Sometimes we may think that because our bodies are dysfunctional, we have less power working within us. Today, I’m here to tell you that it is simply not so. He is able to grant the grace you need to persevere. He is capable of getting you to where you want to be - physically, emotionally, mentally, career-wise, in your family, whatever it may be. He is able to give you happiness and joy. He is skilled at granting peace. And whatever it is that you’re contemplating asking Him for - have faith that He can do far more.
There is a power within you that is indescribably exceptional. It is not dependent on how you feel or how well your body is functioning. Believe that, and believe that God is capable of going above and beyond even your biggest prayers throughout your journey.
Thank you for joining me thus far on our journey! Tomorrow we will press on to another subject I consider to be an essential tool.