A Journey - Day 6
“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
When God created you and me, He knew that we would have to undergo trials. It is no surprise to Him that we are on this journey. We can really feel unprepared and helpless when illness or pain hits our bodies. That is why it’s so important to remember that as children of God, we have been ordained as bearers of the Holy Spirit, to endure.
On Day 3, I wrote about the power that was in us through the workings of the Holy Spirit. But power is just one of the many things the Spirit gives us on our journey. The Spirit is also our helper, our teacher, our intercessor, our reminder of God’s love, and so much more. The Spirit is a gift that was left to us as a reminder that Jesus has already overcome the world, all of its evil - including illnesses and even death. When we have an awareness of what (or Who) is within us, how we view, talk about, and walk on our journey changes. The journey begins to seem a little less daunting.
I’m not saying that we won’t come upon incredibly difficult challenges along the way. I’m also not saying we won’t mess up and have our moments of self-pity, fear, exhaustion, or any other human reaction. What I am trying to say is that those times are alleviated in some capacity by our recognition of our divine empowerment.
We are equipped to handle every circumstance that comes our way. Being equipped, though, doesn’t mean we will have every answer immediately or know which way to turn in an instant. What being equipped means is that we have access to what and Who will help us. Being ordained for the journey means that the Holy Spirit will remind us of God’s Word when we are seeking truth. It means that our Helper will show us how to pray, and even when we are too discouraged to do so, He will pray for us. It means that if we seek it out, we will possess the wisdom and knowledge we need. Being ordained means that even at our lowest points, there is something within us that reminds us to hold on to God’s incredible love for us.
God did not leave you on this journey empty-handed. Through His extraordinary grace, He has ordained and equipped you with what you need to persevere.
Tomorrow is the last day of our journey & I pray that you will join me once again. Don’t forget - there will be a special announcement to close this journey out!